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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The misconception of the Dandelion

When I was a child I use to blow the seeds off of dandelions and watch them blow in the wind, I had know idea of the true beauty of the dandelion plant though. Most people commonly think that dandelions are a horrible weed that just won't go aways, they spray Monsanto weed killer on it, but if they knew how good it was they'd love dandelions! I had know idea how nutritious dandelions are for you until I became a vegan. Here are some facts about the dandelion that everyone should know. ..
1) Dandelions are high in both vitamin A, and vitamin C

2) The also contain antiviral properties they tell aids patients to eat dandelion greens, as well as people who suffer from herpes.

3)They help digestion so if your a gasy person who always has a upset stomach get your dandelion green on.

4)Ladies if your on your period they help prevent bloating.

5)They use it to prevent and also treat lung and breast tumors.

6)They are available all year long!

7)The whole plant is edible down to the root, matter of fact the root is a excellent replacement for coffee!

These are just a few benefits of eating dandelions, so stop spraying Monsanto Roundup in your yard, and start thanking GOD for dandelions, trully they are here to help us!

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