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Sunday, July 31, 2011

The truth about Flouride

Fluoride...good, or bad?

It seems like we don't look things up anymore, like we don't ask questions, like we don't stand up for our rights, and ask WHY anymore? I'm sure all that are reading this article have been exposed to fluoride in some kind of way today. We have been taught that fluoride is good for our dental hygiene, and that's the reason it is in our public tap water, about one milligram per liter to be exact, but what we don't know is the dangers of this drug called fluoride. It was first introduced in public drinking water by Nazi Germany, seeing how many people were killed during this time one has to ask, why would they put fluoride in water to help dental hygiene, just to turn around and kill millions of innocent people for no reason? Did Hitler really care about peoples dental hygiene.....I think not! So then we must ask: why did he have this put into the public drinking water? Over time fluoride can cause many problems to the human body, one in particular is that it attacks the brain, the hypothalamus, which is the part of your brain that controls emotions. Sound a little suspect or is this just me? Many chemists say that fluoride will reduce a person's ability to resist domination, making that person much less ambitious and much easier to control.

Just knowing that little bit of information is enough to make me feel weary of fluoride, but if that isn't enough over exposure to fluoride through certain foods, beverages, medicines, tap water, and many dental products have been linked to more than just brain damage. Some other things fluoride has been linked to is certain types of cancers, harm to your teeth because over exposure doesn't whiten your teeth it actually damages the enamel turning your teeth a forever yellowish color, as well as thyroid problems, genetic damage, nervous system dysfunction, and bone disease like osteoporosis. Did I forget to mention that the main ingredient in rat poison is fluoride?

Many well known water purifiers don't remove fluoride so if you’re looking for a way to get the fluoride out of your tap water before you drink it you might want to look into reverse osmosis and Activated Alumina water filters which do take out fluoride. Fluoride is medication that we haven't asked for, and really it isn't medication it's poison, still don't believe me? Go get your crest toothpaste and look at the warning on the tube, it will tell you that if a child swallows more the a pea sized amount of toothpaste you should call poison control, common sense should tell you that if it's not good for your child it's not good for you either. So parents if you’re making your babies a bottle using baby formula (which also has fluoride in it depending on the brand) you shouldn't use tap water.

Do research on your own don't just take my word for it, all you have to do is Google it, the information is out there. It's 2011 just because we have been doing something for the last 50 years doesn't make it smart; it just means that for the last 50 years we have all been very foolish time to correct these mistakes before it's too late. People have to step up spread the word about what you know, when you see something wrong say something you have to take a stand. Write your local congressman and tell him/her NO MORE FLOURIDE!

For more about the dangers of flouride check out

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