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Friday, September 16, 2011

The Best Investment

People are always looking for the next best thing to invest in if they can afford it, well I'm here to tell you what everbody on the planet should be investing in! Unless you can grow all your own food with heirloom seeds, your biggest investment should be food. Yes I said should be your greatest investment. Why do I say that? Well let's keep it simple you can only get out what you put in, if you put unleaded in a car that takes diesel you're sure to have problems! So why on Earth would you put bad foods in your body? Your body is the best vehicle your going to get and even more importantly you only get ONE in this lifetime anyways. So show it some love, treat yourself good. I've actually just completed a raw food detox where I didn't have anything cooked for 40 days. Did you know that when you cook food above 118 degrees you kill all the enzymes in your food? I never knew that! I wonder how many meals I've actually had in my life that were actually beneficial to my health. Yes good organic food is expensive, but you will notice a difference in how you feel, not to mention isn't it a good feeling knowing that your food wasn't sprayed with deadly chemicals that cause cancer and many other crazy diseases? I encourage all of you to start doing your homework and read labels on your food before just saying "but it tastes so good." Eat to live, don't live to eat. I take pride in knowing I'm eating healthy. Life is short and we all have to die but can somebody please tell me what's the rush for? Invest in your food and your body will invest in you. Until next time people...Love, Peace, and Soul.

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