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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Aspartme why is it in so many products?

In todays world we have drifted so far away from what is natural that we don't even look at the back of packages we think that because the FDA approves products that they are healthy and safe. WRONG! On the back of some of your favorite products there is a artificial sweetener called aspartme. We are ignorant to what it is and many know and don't care. My focus is on the people that don't know what this is because YOU SHOULD KNOW, before you buy anything you should look at the ingredients. Products that have a bunch of things in it especially words that are hard to pronounce you shouldn't be eating it anyways. So let's do a quick breakdown of what some of the KNOWN side effects of aspartme are.

Memory loss
Multiple sclerosis (MS) - what Montel Williams has
Hearing loss
Alzheimer's disease
Brain lesions
Hearing loss

That's just naming a few there are many more problems that are assoicated with products that contain aspartme! Look on the back of your gum, diet sodas, ice cream, wieght loss program meals, sweetners, sauces, and more more products. People need to get over how food tastes and start eating to live, instead of living to eat. Food can be enjoyed even more when you know that your putting good natural organic foods into your body feeding your cells instead of destroying them. The knowledge is out there, just look it up we live in the age of information take advantage while you still can.

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