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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just a few reasons why you should stop eating meat!

Everyone who knows me personally knows that I was the king of chicken wings! When I say the king of chicken wings I mean I absolutely loved my chicken wings lol, I remember for lunch in school I used to pack chicken wings to eat at lunch time. At work every day I found myself either at the chinese food restaurant, or in the deli getting me some good old fried chicken wings. Chicken was my favorite food, I was a total meat head I never used to eat a meal without some type of meat. Then I came into some knowledge about how meat breaks down into acid in your body, and causes you to have all kinds of crazy diseases. I could, would, and probably should list some of the diseases that you can get from eating meat but instead of doing that if you don't believe me just look the information up for yourself, truth is out there! I realize that the best knowledge about things is the knowledge you get from not being told things, but when you find it yourself you can't lie to yourself, can you??? To me knowledge is power, and everybody wants power, take power over your own life, wise up leave meat alone. Did you know that all meat eaters have worms? Why,because microorganisms thrive on dead animals duh! A meat eaters kidneys have to work three times harder than someone who eats a plant based diet, heart disease is almost unfound in vegans, not to mention a vegan has a lot more stamina than a person who eats dead animal flesh! I could go on and on, but if this hasn't made you raise a eyebrow by now, keep feeding your worms! Until next time friends, peace and love. :)

Enlighten yourelf, let the truth be told!!!

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