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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Beauty of Etymology defines the word etymology as . ..

–noun, plural -gies.
the derivation of a word.
an account of the history of a particular word or element of a word.
the study of historical linguistic change, especially as manifested in individual words.
That being said I believe that people need to look up the origin of many words that they use so they can get a better clearer understanding of the words that they use. Many people have no idea that word DEVIL originally meant the accuser, slanderer in the Ancient Greek language. Check out how the Ancient Egyptians or should I say Ancient Kemetians had a God named Ra who was the sun god, today we use words like radiant to describe something shiny, when you know etymology you can see things more clearly, with understand or overstanding I guess I should say. Just a little something I had on my mind, goodnight!

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