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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Father, Son, and who?

Things really aren't that hard to figure if you look at his-story you can see that a lot of important information has been left out. People have been bamboozled especially the Christian nation, they have a big problem with women in authority when in fact the woman (WOMB-MAN) is the first teacher of the child. Yet we don't realize the importance of the woman we belittle them so often taking them away from the holy trinity when truth is you can't have a SON without having a mother! I told my mother and my fiancee that they are the missing piece to the "trinity" or what many would call the holy ghost! See many people live their lives based off a "holy" book but they couldn't even tell you what the world holy means. Holy= helios in Greek, and bible literally breaks down to SUN book. Let's start talking some straight facts and stop acting like everything is so mysterious when it really isn't. Don't believe me lift up your shirt look down at your naval and tell me how did you get that, this is PROOF that you can see with your own eyes that you where once connected to your mother! Until someone can show me a man that doesn't have a naval, then please leave your religious dogma at home. Start asking some questions for yourself like why would GOD give everyone a brain compable of doing amazing things yet want women to be super obedient to men? So many people don't even practice what they preach that it's uterly ridiculous that they even believe what they claim to believe if your a religious person you have to take the whole pie not just pieces of the pie. Start reading your bible and ask your preacher why it makes the woman on a lesser value of life than a man. Don't believe me break out your bible...

1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 34 (King James version) -which is suppose to be the most "accurate" version of the bible.

34Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

1 Timothy chapter 2

9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

How many women get all fancy to go to church every Sunday? You get in your finest outfits, gold earrings, hair did lol, and I bet your preacher never broke these scriptures out on you though did he? God gave you a brain that is equal to that of any man on the planet you should be able to speak anyplace you go. If you want to look nice and get your hair done you should be able to have your hair the way you want your hair. If you know your facts you know that King James had a serious problem with women but I'll go into that in another blog. When I asked a preacher about this he tried to tell me that this isn't what it meant this is the same guy who says the LORD's word doesn't change Christians please get your facts right if you believe in this book please take the whole pie or please leave it alone! Father, Son, and Mother....that's the only way to get all three you can't take one away and have any, peace!

Wake up right now

Seems like we live in a world where people don't know and don't want to know. I hear so many people saying don't tell me anything that's going to make it hard for me to eat meat, but if something is bad for you wouldn't you rather know? People claim they want to live a long healthy life, but we do so much damage to our bodies that it is no wonder why we have all these crazy diseases in the world today, not mentioning the fact that "they" are genetically engineering new diseases as we speak. Thing is once your eyes are opened the world is a game to be played, you see what time it is out here you can call it for what it truely is, but we are so distracted by food, media, and material possesions that we forgot what and who we are.

So many people go shopping every single day and the things they buy are super over priced and don't even have good quality, you spend hundreds of dollars on jeans, shoes, shirts, and other pieces of cloth that will eventually fade, shrink, get ripped, go out of style, and it only cost the company who sold it to you ten dollars or so to make. Yet you buy it anyway because your caught up in the hype, thinking that it will make you something more than you already are, thinking your status in the worlds view will go up when truth is they don't care about you. These companies that make this stuff are the sam people who made you feel insecure about yourself, they told you that your not cool unless you wear this brand and you believed it! They got there cloth from the same place the cheap company got thiers from in MOST cases.

People look at me funny when I tell them the only foods I eat are organic foods, they say yeah right they probably aren't even really organic your dumb for paying those prices blazay blazay I say okay well look at your watermelon it doesn't have seeds in it, look at your grapes it doesn't have seeds in it, look at the size of those avacados compared to the organic avacado! While some things that say organic aren't 100% organic they are still much healthier for you than all the conventional foods on the shelf, people please study what a GMO is! Start looking at the back of your processed foods and look at all these words on that box that it took to make one cracker, it shouldn't have almost 300 ingredients foods that have more than five ingredients are 9 times out of 10 poison! Stop buying juices that are on a shelf that could sit there for another year, ask yourself HOW DO THEY DO THAT! Then look it up I'm sure after you look it up if you have any common sense it will turn you off from foods with super long shelf lifes. In short your only going to get out what you put in if your consuming foods with foods that you can barely pronounce don't be surprised when they tell you that you have cancer, or some other crazy dis-ease. It's time to start asking questions, doing research, telling others, wake up, deprogram!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Honestly I think that people would rather be fed lies than told the truth. ..there comes a point in time when you have to ask yourself can you really deal with honesty. People claim they want the truth, but they never search for the truth themselves, they rather be told everything. I've learned through personal experience that what other people tell you isn't always truth without doing your own research you never truely know anything. When Eminem came out with the song "love the way you lie" I honestly HATED that song because I thought it was so stupid, how could someone love the way you lie!?!? But people really would rather be lied to, and if it takes a lie to make and keep a situation peaceful is it beneficial to just lie? Some say yes, others so no, I say I have to be true to myself like Ziggy Marley. I spare no feelings because if I feel a certain way I have to let you know how I'm feeling. If you ask a question you have to be prepared to get a answer, even if that answer isn't something that you want to hear you have to deal with the truth. People spend all day long trying to lie to themselves. Many females wake up and before going anyplace they have to put make up on, but what they don't know is that while just trying to look "beautiful" they are hurting themselves more than anything else! Just look up the information about make up, it causes cancer, many eye liners, or whatever that stuff is that you put around your eyes is made from bat poop, but to just look "sexy" they put it on without even knowing. Men do the same thing just in different ways they go out and have to have the latest clothing trend just to feel comfortable in thier own skin. Personally I don't have to have a $100 outfit to feel good about myself, I know who I am and what I am, and if people can't accept you for who you are PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY then you need to cut those people out of your life! Build yourself up with people who will be honest with you, it will help you see clearer, sometimes honesty hurts, but truth doesn't come with a prescription pill, truth is always truth and that will never change.

Monday, August 15, 2011

From a Size 40 to a 34 by Proper Nutrition

June 4th I took a big leap in my life I did something that I never thought I would be able to do, I stopped eating meat. Since then I've lost over 30lbs!! I was wearing a size 40 in my waist and now I'm proud to say I can comfortably fit into a size 34!! This is a very big deal to me I haven't been that slim since I was in 8th grade lol...

Most people think they could never go a day without eating meat, and I was just like one of those people, actually I think I have it worst than most because I work in a meat department. I smell shrimp, and crablegs everyday and sometime I must admit the smell makes me hungry! I've found that this only makes me stronger though after learning so much about how your body doesn't need meat to survive even though most will try to scare you and say HOW ARE YOU GETTING YOUR PROTIEN? HOW ARE YOU GETTING YOUR OMEGAS? I find that these very people don't even know what protien actually is, they do no research for things on their own time. These people believe everything the doctor tells them. I went to my doctor a few months back and she told me my blood pressure was a little high, without even asking me what I eat, or do I exercise she prescribed me some medication. I thought to myself this lady didn't ask me anything about what I eat she just wants me to go buy some meds! I later learned that doctors have contracts with pharmaceutical companies, it's not about caring for the patient for a lot of doctors. To many of these doctors it's just big business, keep you coming back like a crack head. I'm not saying all doctors are bad, but I do know that HERBS can help start the healing process in your body naturally! Your doctor will never tell you this though because they rather give you chemicals which aren't natural. How healthy can this really be? I encourage anyone and everyone to start looking up how your body can fight off any disease through proper diet, and positive thinking! Your mind is amazing if you believe in yourself you really can do anything! I love myself, you should love yourself too, take care of your temple!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Goji berries a healthy snack

I was sitting back eating some goji berries, and I thought to myself most people I know don't even know what a goji berry is, so I decided to do a blog about one of my new favorite snacks! I use to be a chocolate bar junky, but since changing my diet I find myself snacking on things that I would have never thought about eating before. Goji berries otherwise known as Wolf Berries and Western Snowberries are extremely healthy for you. They have been used traditionally in Asian medicine for centuries, helps boost your immune system, and stimulates your body to secrete natural anti aging HGH, someone please let Barry Bonds know about this lol. ..Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, they have been known to prevent eyesight loss, help strengten your kidneys, and liver! They also prevent fatigue, insomnia, and headaches, improve circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and if all of this didn't catch your eye it is a sexual stimulate! There are plenty more reasons why you should check out this amazing superfood, but I think I've listed enough. Next time your going grocery shopping look for goji berries, they can be found at Wegmans, Wholefoods market, and I'm sure they carry them at places that are health conscious, I haven't found fresh goji berries but I have found them dried and they are amazingly delicious!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The misconception of the Dandelion

When I was a child I use to blow the seeds off of dandelions and watch them blow in the wind, I had know idea of the true beauty of the dandelion plant though. Most people commonly think that dandelions are a horrible weed that just won't go aways, they spray Monsanto weed killer on it, but if they knew how good it was they'd love dandelions! I had know idea how nutritious dandelions are for you until I became a vegan. Here are some facts about the dandelion that everyone should know. ..
1) Dandelions are high in both vitamin A, and vitamin C

2) The also contain antiviral properties they tell aids patients to eat dandelion greens, as well as people who suffer from herpes.

3)They help digestion so if your a gasy person who always has a upset stomach get your dandelion green on.

4)Ladies if your on your period they help prevent bloating.

5)They use it to prevent and also treat lung and breast tumors.

6)They are available all year long!

7)The whole plant is edible down to the root, matter of fact the root is a excellent replacement for coffee!

These are just a few benefits of eating dandelions, so stop spraying Monsanto Roundup in your yard, and start thanking GOD for dandelions, trully they are here to help us!

You make me want to scream!

So many people out there claim to be "conscious" if you are a concious person then you know that we are all connected! So if you know that we are all connected why are so many people who claim to be conscious unhelping to thier own brothers, and sisters!? You claim to want to help the fallen humanity, but what are you doing to help? I see many people claim they know what's up, but when I send a email just simply asking a question many times they don't respond, or they send me a rude email back, I have got very few people who've responded positive although there has been a few. I am a person who is willing to help the next man/woman in ANY way I can as long as it is within reason. If I have knowledge about a subject and someone is inquiring to know what I know the first thing I would do is point them in the direction to help themselves, I would give them some suggestive reading material, tell them what to look up. No matter what race/nationality you are if you are willing to help me I am willing to help you! Doing my family ancestry I realize that I am part everything whether that be by choice of my ancestors or not, if it wasn't for the exact combination of people in my ancestrial lineage I wouldn't be here. I am thankful to be here no matter how I got here, it was meant to be! Imagine if Bob Marley's father who was white a man had never met his mother, the world would be missing some beautiful music. What if that white man had never raped Malcolm X's mother, the world would never have had a Malcolm no means do I think it's right to rape a person, but the fact of the matter is THINGS HAPPEN...and if it hadn't of happened who would have been Malcolm? Everybody loves Prince, but what if his parents had never got together? My father told me "if it wasn't for Prince you wouldn't have been born" lol THANK GOD FOR PRINCE! I am so happy to be here! If you claim to be conscious don't be ignorant and hate another person for how they look, if your going to hate a person, at least hate them for how they treat you! To all my family, friend, and host of foes, I love you all and any animosity that there is between us I hope we can squash it and move on with our lives, life is far to short for us to worry about the stupid things. Lets worry about more important things like WHY IS THERE FLOURIDE IN OUR WATER? Let's ask questions like what are the true effects of chem-trails? Why don't more people know what a alkaline diet is? Why are prisons government funded and privately owned? Let's stand up join forces with those that are willing to help you know matter what they may physically look like, or the end result will be we are all doomed!

Wake up, we are all family! Sending peace and love to you and yours!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just a few reasons why you should stop eating meat!

Everyone who knows me personally knows that I was the king of chicken wings! When I say the king of chicken wings I mean I absolutely loved my chicken wings lol, I remember for lunch in school I used to pack chicken wings to eat at lunch time. At work every day I found myself either at the chinese food restaurant, or in the deli getting me some good old fried chicken wings. Chicken was my favorite food, I was a total meat head I never used to eat a meal without some type of meat. Then I came into some knowledge about how meat breaks down into acid in your body, and causes you to have all kinds of crazy diseases. I could, would, and probably should list some of the diseases that you can get from eating meat but instead of doing that if you don't believe me just look the information up for yourself, truth is out there! I realize that the best knowledge about things is the knowledge you get from not being told things, but when you find it yourself you can't lie to yourself, can you??? To me knowledge is power, and everybody wants power, take power over your own life, wise up leave meat alone. Did you know that all meat eaters have worms? Why,because microorganisms thrive on dead animals duh! A meat eaters kidneys have to work three times harder than someone who eats a plant based diet, heart disease is almost unfound in vegans, not to mention a vegan has a lot more stamina than a person who eats dead animal flesh! I could go on and on, but if this hasn't made you raise a eyebrow by now, keep feeding your worms! Until next time friends, peace and love. :)

Enlighten yourelf, let the truth be told!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Milk or mucus?

Most people are taught that milk does the body good, but what they aren't taught is that cow's milk isn't made for the human body. This should be a common sense thing, but since common sense is all but common I'll drop some knowledge for you to think about and hopefully you do your own research! A cow produces milk for the same reason a new mother produces milk when she has a feed her new born! Cow's milk has a ton of fat because it is the real purpose of that milk isn't so you can pour over your cereal it's to fatten the baby calf up so that it can survive. I know this might come as a shocker, but cow's milk has large amounts of blood, snot, mucus, feces, and chemicals in the milk even if it is organic cow's milk it's still unhealthy for the human body! People are so shocked when they find out they have some crazy disease when in fact they shouldn't really be surprised you poison yourself everyday with the foods you eat! Just google the truth about dairy products, watch Food Inc., check out, and many other websites so that you can become hip to the game...

When I first found out this information I was pretty upset, and confused I didn't understand but I was caught up in the matrix truth is it's all about dollar bills, and population control of course lol! What can you do knowing this? That's very easy you can stop drinking cow snot, and mucus, and start drinking almond milk, or any other milk that may come from nuts. I prefer almond milk it has 50% more calcium than cow snot/mucus, and a much better flavor, plus it doesn't leave me feeling all bloated! Nuts are way better for your body, start loving yourself, treat your body/temple with respect! If this information sounds untrue to you I'm not asking you to believe me, I'm asking you to look it up for yourself, find the truth, and tell others. Until next time I love you all peace!